See Change for Organizations

See Change for Orgs is a financial cohort for creators of color who are taking control of their finances as a liberatory catalyst to lead value-filled lives.

It’s not about financial literacy, it’s about financial liberation:

💕Heal your relationship with money

☀️Thrive in the midst of a predatory financial system

🌱Build generational wealth that’s aligned with your values

If your fellows/participants/team are creators of color:

[ Creative • Artist • Activist • Educator • Healer • Non Profit Leader • Entrepreneur ]

They all have something in common with each other - they are changemakers in their field. They’ve dedicated their life’s work to doing things radically different and bringing their communities with them. 

They push the edge so the center moves too.

But how are their personal finances doing?

Let’s be real - most people who do mission-driven work are not focused on their personal finances. Many of them have a complicated relationship with money already, where they are working to fight systemic economic injustices daily. They may feel guilt over making more than the people they serve or shame around not making as much as their peers. This tension can be paralyzing.

The usual stuff won’t work

You can send them to the Dave Ramsey’s and Suze Orman’s and Robert Kyosaki’s of the world and when the program doesn’t work, they’ll chalk it up to “just being bad at money.” OR….

They can learn how their money tendencies are actually protections and adaptations that developed because they’ve been burned by a financial system designed for them to fail. 

They can learn that they’re not the only ones who have their money habits, and in fact, many of their habits are strengths that got them this far. 

They can learn that their relationship with money has been here to serve them all this time and it can continue to serve them in ways that don’t just help them survive, but give them space to thrive.

💬 See Change has entered the chat…

After YEARS of studying personal finance, the racial wealth divide, and interpersonal neurobiology, here’s what we know is true: 

❤️‍🩹Money is emotional - Every decision you make around money starts in your nervous system. How we spend our money represents our values, feelings, and state of mind.

📉 The game is rigged - If most of us are struggling financially, if most of us are having mental health issues, it’s not you, it’s the system. We can only fight it if we acknowledge it’s there. 

💅 Wants are needs too - Wants fulfill our emotional needs and when you give yourself permission to want things and get them, your willpower gets replenished and you can feel like yourself. 

🌈 You are not bad at money - There is no such thing as being “good” or “bad” at money. You make decisions based on what will make you feel safe in the moment and that is okay. When you can find safety in other ways, your habits will change.

Reach out to Pamela Capalad at if you’d like to schedule an intro call with us

What makes See Change radically different?

Racial Wealth Divide CONTEXT: nope, it’s not just in your head and we have the stats to prove it. The Racial Wealth Divide is real and it’s not your fault. You’ll learn how the system has been designed for systemic oppression, along with practical tools to get through it with less stress and more ease.

COACHING with Accredited Financial Counselors: there is a lot of unlearning that may need to be done when you start to process your money history and do the work to change your habits. This is not easy! One the most important aspects of the program is having a trained See Change Coach to reach out to as you hit setbacks, feel stuck, and celebrate wins.

Interpersonal Neurobiology CONCEPTS:  Learn WHY all your money habits make total sense when it comes to protecting your body from the harms of capitalism and how to create habits rooted in collective care and liberatory practices. We’ll show you how to take care of your nervous system so you can face anything the system throws your way.

Expert Education COURSES designed by a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™: Pam has been a CFP® for over a decade and now, you’ll have access to that knowledge within See Change with courses like how to break up with your bank, how to ask for a raise and get it, and how to talk to your parents about money.

👥 1-1 Coaching: We know creators of color tend to have a hard time asking for help and accepting support, so we want them Get Shameless about getting HELP this year:

  • Monthly 1-1 Coaching Calls throughout the year - each participant gets monthly 1-1 calls with their financial coach throughout the 9 months

  • Email your coach anytime - participants can email their coach anytime with questions, fleeting thoughts, wild ideas–whatever it is, we’re here to help

📊 The program works… and here’s the data to prove it

In a 2023-24 cohort of 14 artists of color, we partnered with Knology, a data analysis collective of scientists, writers, and educators dedicated to studying and untangling complex social issues. These were their findings:

Qualitative outcomes:

    • “I’m ready to take action in a way I wasn’t before.”

    • “I’m feeling optimistic and really proud of myself.”

    • “I can think beyond my current situation” 

    • The ideal income calculator “gave me an anchor for what’s possible.”

    •  “Money is emotional, not just financial.”

    • One participant shared they learned new language to express their needs and used that language to successfully advocate for new responsibilities and additional pay

    • Participants shared that they learned more about “things that were creating real financial challenges for me.”

    • One person shared that they have learned how to really determine their current financial situation and needs

Quantitative outcomes:

    • Learned how to have a handle on their credit score and debt

    • Understood the differences between gross and net income

    • Knew what their bills or expenses were – as well as having some savings

    • Filed their taxes annually and had health insurance

    • Understood or were working on knowing what retirement benefits they had 

    • Understood the meaning and impact of their credit score

    • indicated that they completed or were working toward a number of different goals

    • Indicated that they had a sizeable savings cushion (68%)

    • Indicated they could set aside money to support others (61%)

    • One participant shared they learned new language to express their needs and used that language to successfully advocate for new responsibilities and additional pay

  • Regardless of how frequently or infrequently they engaged with various aspects of the program. This speaks to the importance of having a variety of options to engage with the program.

As a testament to their success in the program, one person reflected, “I feel more in touch with reality. It feels good. [Finance is] no longer a huge monster. Now I know the steps.”

Another person reiterated, “This community has helped me understand a lot of financial information that I’ve been needing for a long time. The format, the platforms, the one-on-one sessions and the zoom meetings. Everything really was a great environment to be open and to learn and give support to others.”

What is interpersonal neurobiology and what does it have to do with money?

Interpersonal neurobiology (or IPNB), as our INPB teachers describe it, is The neuroscience of how we are hurt and how we heal within relationships. It describes how our brains and bodies are affected by disconnection, trauma, and lack of compassionate reflection.”

We all have a relationship with money because it often represents the connection or disconnection we’ve experienced with our families, communities, and the systems we’re beholden to.

Money is the unnatural liaison between our natural instincts to be empathetic, collective, and compassionate vs. the structures of capitalism and systemic oppression. Many of us grew up with money being a barrier to access.

Of course we have a f*cked up relationship with it.

IPNB gives you the language and context to understand why even when you have all the information, your body says no thank you.

When you are able to acknowledge and honor how your body has the wisdom to protect you against the harms of the financial system, you’re able to create new behaviors that allow you to thrive and truly find financial liberation.

🗓️ The Monthly Meeting:

The Monthly meeting is where everything gets integrated - we have curated topics each month that will directly address the complex intersection between personal finance, interpersonal neurobiology, and the racial wealth divide. With a mix of targeted content, money buddy breakouts, and group sharing, The Monthly Meeting is where the magic happens. 

We ask that participants join your cohort with the intention of committing to The Monthly Meeting as often as possible. To protect this safe space, we do not record The Monthly Meetings. 

📝 The Monthly Meeting topics:

  • A deep dive into your money personality

  • Relationship is everything, safety is the intervention

  • Money can buy happiness

  • Why is it so hard to save?

  • Paperwork Anxiety

  • Prepare your nervous system for making more money

  • What is your ideal income and how to set rates

  • Cash flow projections

  • Why the racial wealth divide is not your fault

  • Imposter Syndrome - it’s not a syndrome, it’s the system

  • Breaking generational habits (or ALWAYS pick up a crying baby)

  • How much is enough?

Community and 1-1 support: We know creators of color tend to have a hard time asking for help and accepting support, so we want them to Get Shameless about getting HELP this year:

⭐️ Get Shameless Study Groups - participants will choose to join one of two study groups so they have space to process the Monthly Meeting topics , get help with their financial plans, or talk through a challenging financial situation. 

⭐️1-1 Coaching Calls throughout the year - each participant gets four 1-1 calls with their financial coach throughout the year to set up their 5 Stages Roadmap and do progress checks every 4 months

⭐️ Private message your coach anytime - participants can PM their coach anytime with questions, fleeting thoughts, wild ideas–whatever it is, we’re here to help

Reach out to Pamela Capalad at if you’d like to schedule an intro call with us

What’s included in the See Change program for Organizations:

Cohort promotion and selection:

★ 3-5 planning calls with organization manager

★ Promotional materials, including email templates, flyers, one sheets, separate cohort webpage, etc.

★ 1-2 info sessions for prospective cohort members

★ Application process and adjudication/lottery selection, if needed

12-month program:

One 60-minute Envisioning call for each fellow

  • Monthly 30-min 1-1 coaching sessions for each fellow (8 total)

  • Email anytime to See Change coach

  • Personalized 5 Stages Financial Playbook for each fellow

  • Expert CFP®-designed education courses

  • Optional: personal financial portal for each fellow (link accounts and track income and expenses, create budgets, debt paydown plan)


We know organizations have different levels of resources. We have a sliding scale and are prepared to partner on grant proposals if needed. 

Reach out if you feel like this program would be transformative for your group. Let’s see how we can make it work!

Reach out to Pamela Capalad at if you’d like to schedule an intro call with us